October 05, 2005

We should shoot EU regulators…

"We should shoot EU regulators…" was what Michael O’Leary, boss of Ryanair, said was the solution for the EU stupid denied boarding regulations. (By posting that I am probably liable to be shot 11 times in the head, without trial or process, by one of the Tyrant Blair's enforcers as an eeeevil terrorist, so I might as well go on with the rest of this post, your just as dead with 22 bullets in you as 11.) I cannot agree more. The no frills airlines have done more to show the peoples of Europe each others gloriously diverse cultures than any number of EU diktats, simply by letting people actually visit other countries and find out for themselves. The prospect of the market doing what they claim to do, but don't, easily and cheaply has quite clearly infuriated the Eurocrats so they have crafted a regulation to kill them.
Mr O'Leary said the "numbnuts" ruling was typical of Brussels, confusing the passengers over where they were entitled to compensation and exposing the airlines to complaints and lawsuits. "I think we should blow the place up and shoot all the regulators and the airline business might actually prosper,"

This regulation means that if a plane is delayed then the passengers can claim £170 from the airline, even their ticket only cost £40! Ridiculous, but perhaps the EU really believes that the no frills flights do cost hundreds like the flag carrying airlines. Considering the levels of EU fraud out there and the ease of scamming the travel expenses system (like all EU expenses no receipt is needed, just ask for as much money as you want and there it is) perhaps they do, since MEP's expenses always seem to indicate that is the case.

Perhaps by way of compensation for stopping people from ever actually seeing foreign countries EU has created a website detailing the differences in mobile phone roaming costs across Europe, Because of there attempts to kill the no frills airlines the only people that will do multinational roaming are likely to be Eurocrats. But by making it public you will know which company is cheapest to call the countries that you will never be able to see.


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